

Becoming a parent is life-changing! It’s wonderful and challenging, it’s messy and hugely rewarding. It is, without a doubt, one of the most rewarding adventures you will ever embark on. But first comes birth.

We know when it comes to your birth you simply want to make the best choices for your family. We also know that not everyone is the same, and that there is no “one size fits all”. However, there’s so much information out there that it can all be quite overwhelming. Our aim is to prepare you for your new arrival – enabling you to make the choices that will be best for both you and your family. At the same time, creating opportunities for you to build relationships that will help you through this exciting new chapter. We’ll de-bunk some of the common misconceptions making their rounds, showcase practical and insightful demos, and provide you with extra reference material and as well as tools to prepare you for postpartum.

Our team consists of a professional Midwife and Childbirth Educator, a Birth and Postpartum Doula, a Clinical Psychologist, and a Pastor – all parents themselves. Our course, running since 2013, is not just birth education. We have intentionally built the course to help prepare you for becoming a family, weaving together the medical, with the biblical and the practical. We stay up to date using the latest, evidence-based research, continued education, and feedback from our brand-new parents. Which, all working together, keeps us relevant and focused on getting you what you need most. With years of experience in both the private and public sectors, we really do love what we do and count it a privilege to journey with each of our couples.

Course Content

Our 16-hour course runs over five subsequent Monday evenings and one Saturday morning, which includes a valuable refresher session for grandparents-to-be.

The sessions are packed with information, running from 18:30 – 21:00 each evening, and 09:00 – 13:00 on the Saturday. The running order is subject to change, but the subjects we cover include:

Third Trimester of Pregnancy | Signs & Stages of Labour | Natural Labour & Birth | Caesarean Birth | Natural Pain Control | Pharmacological Pain Relief | Interventions | Procedures After Birth | Jaundice | Vaccinations | Childbirth in the Bible | Birth Plans & Informed Consent | COVID-19 | Baby Basics | The 4th Trimester | Budgeting | Post-Natal Depression | Marriage & Sex | Breastfeeding

Our Next Course
Monday Feb 12th, 19th, 26th, March 4th and 11th at 6:30pm – 09:00pm
Saturday March 9th at 08:00am – 1:30pm
Fees & Registration

Fees include a comprehensive antenatal manual, catering, tea & coffee, administration costs, WhatsApp / phone support, professional fees and teaching over the duration of the course.

Pre-register below. 

Fees must be paid prior to the course via an online payment link, emailed to you once pre-registration has closed. If you are a member of JoshGen and financial assistance is needed to do the course, please email us.

Some medical aids may reimburse you for the course. Please consult with your medical aid provider for more information. We can provide you with a quotation for pre-authorisation, if required.

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